Top 10k strings from Down to Earth (1987)(Firebird Software).tap
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TAP] /
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3 FFFFFFFFFF 3 :::::::::: 2 II))))))II))))))II 1 zapper and protector of all exp- 1 you -DELETED- ring Daren on 1 years grant runs out. 1 ya, yousee. (Speak for yourself 1 wrote 5.11.86 1 THIS NUMBER IS 1 T Terminate control 1 Stanleys Star 1 Some people call me a complete & 1 Sadalsud 1 Raticus Major 1 Ramsey 841735 1 R ). I unfortunately met Darren 1 Q Up A Down 1 Q 1 Pleiades 1 PLOMBA - WROC`AW,tel.567045 1 PLANET CLEARED*: 1 Or Sinclair/Kempston joysticks 1 OUT OF TIME* 1 O Left P Right 1 Neptune 1 Nashira 1 NOW TRY WITHOUT CHEATING* 1 MMMMMMMMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMMMMMMMI 1 M Down To Earth * 1 Jupiter 1 IIKKKKKKIN), 1 I'm a poor student, I can't 1 Hi I'm Daren Steward (Note one 1 God I hate computers. 1 From then on I helped him design 1 Frehleys Comet 1 Fire/M Start,Restart* 1 Even though he calls me a PEST! 1 ESSAGE ! * 1 Darren 'Special Brew' Byford 1 DROID TERMINATED* 1 DEc \ 1 DE$ 1 Chock'O Rock 1 CCDDDDDDDDE 1 B-side of my all time fav. 1 B-Space Drop bomb 1 Asellus Borealis 1 Anyway if you name is Sam Fox & 1 And everyone I've forgotten 1 8888888888 1 66 Downsway 1 3d shaded rotation system. It's 1 1 Pause mode on 1 /;:3>-0A8-@5;:? 1 -Yeah I see. Pass me that rolley 1 -XR2i. How Ford got the plans 1 -Why the 68000 looks neat in 1 -Why is the ggame 3 years late ? 1 -Why Penultimate Pay The Price 1 -What's yours ? 1 -Tony Lills version of Life the 1 -The reason why you cant type 1 -The Pawn. Why Darren cant do it 1 -So exactly what programing 1 -Rotary nasal hair trimmers 1 -Not at all but tell me Dill why 1 -Murdering people with boiled 1 -Martins phone number 1 -Man Hole cover syndrome 1 -How fast ? 1 -Hopefully a few more laughs 1 -Hello Tony 1 -Hello Dill. Whats the game 1 -Cuddly bulldozers, landmines & 1 -Clearing anal blockages with 1 -And again in English 1 -(eyes glaze) err, not bad. 1 -'No No No Medium sweet' 1 , about his new game.... 1 (Lies Lies-Darr) 1 (Alias Mad Martz 0he Radical 1 'Til then bye from everyone. 1 'Dark Star'. Talking of Simon I 1 what Bernard Manning had to do 1 this, err, 'cos it's mine. 1 than this issue. 1 telephone recievers (YUK) 1 system have you got ? 1 suspenders. 1 sorry. The Spectrum is mine. We 1 sell so many CHEESEY games (?!) 1 program. I can't say a lot but 1 playablity so it takes tttime 1 on a naked female torso. 1 it does have a FOR-NEXT loop, 1 is the game so late ? 1 in that thing, if a few hundred 1 free beer mat. Do you mind if I 1 for the 1986 Hillman Imp & 1 five colours per square, and a 1 did try programing without it 1 coliflour 1 chainsaws 1 but we had some problems. 1 are wrong it could ruin the 1 a RND & a devious POKE command. 1 Zosma 1 Yet another hit Potion game is 1 Yeah. Wow, you see I had to get 1 Wow, erm, yeah, its got sprites 1 Why not write your own ? 1 Why is Orifice here ? Well I 1 Who Wants To Live Forever.... 1 Welcome to Down To Earth Instructions : Your mission is to rid the Universe of hostile alien life forms so that the planned Intergalactic Bypass can finally be completed. You control a limited number of Astra-dozers and must clear all 30 star systems and planets you visit. Your 'dozer is fitted with the latest anti-grav field as are its extras (fuel, crates of bombs and spare 'dozers). The aliens come in two forms. Trigons which are unpredictable in large numbers and Circsaws which are smarter and more volatile since they explode on contact with bombs, crates, spare 'dozers and Conenabs. Conenabs expand and detonate either under their own weight or due to incarceration. Good luck. Down to Earth (or Astra DTE) was written in 4 months by Darren Byford, Martin Pointer and Tony Lill. DTE will recognise Kempston or Sinclair Interfaces automatically so no selection is needed. By the way there is a lot more to this program than meets the eye so beware! Apart from that all I c 1 We've developed a game writting 1 Uranus 1 Universe & everything written 1 Treble Drambuey & Guiness, oh, 1 There may be a sequel if next 1 Spica 1 So write me (normal address), 1 So here we are. In the last 1 See ya soon. Love Darren 1 Saturn 1 Ralph Asteroid 1 Pollux 1 Pluto 1 Personal Z80 tutor available at 1 POKES into a Specstrad 128+2 in 1 Nunki 1 Next issue we will bring you... 1 Maiden Space 1 Look there's a lot of numbers 1 Kaus Medius 1 In case you're wondering this 1 If you completed dte the hard 1 I hope you enjoyed dte. 1 Hi. I've just developed a new 1 Hi from Ralph-alias 'pest' 1 He taught me a thing or two 1 He knows all the tricks of the 1 Hamal 1 Gredi 1 Graham is a QL... A Queen Lover 1 Girls, are you tired of the 1 EARTH 1 D.Byford 1987 1 Better value than a camel. 1 Alhena 1 48K mode (no keywords on keys) 1 140000 T-states a frame. 1 1 frame every 25th of a second. 1 , sound, scrolling, speech, 1 (Thankyou Graham) 1 (0273) 594804 ish 1 Specstrad Abuser Interview 1 Skat 1 PLOMBA - WROC`AW, tel. 567045 1 Mars 1 Hot Space 1 Heze 1 Err, Tony isn't here but if he 1 Dark Star 1 And the Unforgetable.. 1 Abuser continued.... 1 Mr Moon 1 now ride the bike. 1 You've played the guitar 1 Jo. D 1 Bye Bye 1 Graham Does 1 Darren's Ego Trip 1 bye 1 THE ELDER(berry) 1 Red Rat's Page 1 Ralph's Page 1 It's damn good. 1 DaRen's Page 1 The Last Page 1 Jo. P 1 Grahams Page 1 Tony's Page 1 More sobber drivel > 1 KISS Fan) 1 By KISS 1 Comp.